Hoback Junction, Wyoming

Written by Mark Pepper, EFC Region 8 Category 2 Specialist

The Hoback Junction is at the south end of Teton County, Wyoming, about 12 miles south of Jackson, Wyoming. The junction is at the intersection of Hwy 89, north and west, with Hwy 191 running south and east. The intersection is also at the confluence of the Snake and Hoback rivers. Approximately 60-100 residences, a large commercial entity, and several large RV/camping parks are in the area. A couple of Transient Public Water Systems inhabit the area. The area has both EPA Administrative Order activity for high nitrates and other water quality issues, as well as TNCs and WyDEQ wastewater judgments for wastewater violations. Over 4,000,000 tourists frequent the intersection yearly, with many stopping at a large commercial area grocery store/deli/convenience establishment due to a central launch point for Snake River Rafters and a high influx of overnight campers from May to October at the RV/camp parks.

Water quality and wastewater issues plague the area and threaten tourism and residents' health and enjoyment. Several groups, including the county commissioners, conservation groups, and residents, are/were seeking a solution and wish to form a special taxing district to address governance and access to infrastructure funding. All residential households currently use private wells and septic systems, many of which are over 30 years old. Additionally, the proximity to the rivers is causing seepage issues for various constituents.

They have been involved with various groups over the years in attempts to address the issues. In late 2022, WARWS was engaged to assist with district formation, accomplished in mid-2023. Planning studies are nearly completion, with delivery expected by the end of May 2024. A water storage and distribution system may be the first project, and once final engineering is complete, wastewater overlay will be done with the hope of both projects being done simultaneously, with completion expected in 2027. Project funding applications will commence during the summer of 2024.

WARWS has been engaged to conduct an income survey of the area and an environmental assessment. District formation is complete, expansion discussions are underway, and engineering planning has incorporated expansion opportunities to produce an economy of scale. Preliminary engineering studies are to be completed by the end of May 2024. Feasibility and funding applications will follow.

While residents may see savings from septic pumping and testing/treatment of private wells, the area will save extraordinary amounts in tourism dollars and tourism taxes for the state.

Savings: $1,000,000


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